Lakewood Estates
Boyd Hill Nature Preserve lies within the neighborhood boundaries and provides recreation, entertainment and educational opportunities year round. There is a nature museum and a variety of programs for the public. . The park also holds nature classes and overnight camping during the summer months for young people. There are guided walking and riding tours during the days and evenings throughout the year.
The park is an environmentally sensitive area, as well as home to endangered species (i.e. Gopher Turtles, flying squirrels and fox squirrels). The Park is also home for ospreys, bald eagles, falcons, red tail and red shoulder hawks, alligators and several other species of smaller reptiles.
City Boyd Hill website with directions, activities and other information
City Lake Maggiore Park website with directions and a list of amenities found at the beautiful lake
Friends of Boyd Hill Facebook gets you connected!
The South Branch Library is located at Roy Hannah Drive. There are two fire stations located on the east and west boundaries of the Lakewood Estates Neighborhood. The fire station on 31st Street South is equipped to handle water rescues.
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