Article I – Name, Purpose and Type
The name of this Association shall be Lakewood Estates Civic Association, Inc. (hereinafter “LECA” or “the Association”).
The purpose of this Association shall be:
- to encourage and promote community pride in our neighborhood by providing a forum for neighborhood activity;
- to be a voice for our common neighborhood interest by acting as liaison with governmental bodies and with institutions, schools and businesses in and around our neighborhood, and to work with other neighborhood associations on common concerns;
- to serve as a focal point for maintenance and improvement of institutions and facilities serving our neighborhood, including parks, schools and public safety services, and to provide an avenue for neighborhood social activities;
- to encourage and facilitate vigorous citizen participation in all issues affecting our neighborhood, including land use, zoning changes, traffic patterns and street modifications;
- to help guide and ensure reasonable managed growth of the neighborhood;
- other lawful purposes.
This Association is and shall remain a non-profit organization, and no part of the net earnings hereof shall inure to any individual member.
The boundaries of Lakewood Estates shall be defined as follows: Lake Maggiore on the north, Dr. Martin Luther King Street South (formerly Ninth Street South) on the east, 31st Street South on the west, and 54th Avenue South on the south.
The Lakewood Estates Civic Association does not condone any form of discrimination, whether on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin or sexual orientation. In addition, the organization will actively pursue policies that minimize conflict and promote understanding between all groups of people.
Article II – Membership
Household membership is open to any person 18 years of age or older who resides in or owns residential zoned property in the neighborhood and who has paid the annual dues. Each household membership is entitled to 1 vote per address.
Any other civic or neighborhood association within the boundaries of Lakewood Estates may also be a member of the LECA but that association will collectively have only one membership vote. Businesses within the boundaries of Lakewood Estates or in proximity to the neighborhood may become members under a group membership; however, they will have no vote.
Any member of the Association who belongs to any other homeowner or neighborhood association shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of the Association, or to serve as the lead or chair of any Association committee.
Dues of the Association are collected annually and the rate shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Dues are payable in January with a grace period through March 31st, after which the membership is considered in arrears and voting privileges are suspended until dues are paid.
Article III – Government
Lakewood Estates Civic Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The term of officers and directors shall be two years. The elections will be held on a staggered system basis: In even-numbered years, the membership will elect the president, treasurer and a director. In odd-numbered years, the membership will elect the vice president, secretary and, if desired, a second director.
The Board of Directors shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and one or more directors. These officers are to be elected annually by the general membership by the staggered system. Only the elected officers may vote on matters before the Board.
To qualify as a director, a member must be a resident of Lakewood Estates and in good standing, that is, having paid their annual dues. To qualify as an officer, a member must be in good standing and have served as a director for 2 years.
A simple majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for doing business. Each board member is entitled to one vote.
Board members shall serve without compensation.
Powers and duties of the Board shall include:
- The appointment of all committees or chairpersons thereof, and the dissolution of any committee. This power can be delegated to the President. Committees shall derive their direction from the Board.
Any member may suggest the creation of an ad hoc committee for a particular purpose and may propose the leadership and membership of such committee, to be reviewed and voted on by the Board. The status of any committee shall be reviewed annually and no committee may continue from year to year without review and approval of the Board.
Chairpersons and other members of committees do not have voting privileges on the Board.
- The appointment of all persons or organizations to serve the Association.
- The filling of vacancies on the Board until the next election.
- Interpretation of the By-Laws.
- Approval of all expenditures over $400.00.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board and shall perform such duties as directed by the Board.
The Vice President shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the President and shall be the presiding officer at meetings in the absence of the President.
The Secretary shall be the official custodian of all records of the Association. The Secretary shall prepare minutes of the annual meeting and post them to the Association website.
The Treasurer shall keep and be responsible for all funds of the Association and shall keep the membership records. All funds shall be deposited in an account in the name of the Lakewood Estates Civic Association and shall be withdrawn or disbursed only by the Treasurer or another member of the Board who is an authorized signatory. All monies received shall be immediately delivered to the Treasurer, and all bills shall also be paid by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall ensure that tax identification is never inactive, updated appropriately (which also includes the Articles of Incorporation and the Association’s filing of its annual report with the Secretary of State) and in a timely manner with the State of Florida. The Treasurer shall provide regular reports of all transactions and prepare financial statements as directed by the Board.
Article IV – Meetings
The Association members shall meet at least twice a year, once in January and once in September, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, with adequate notice provided to the membership. Meetings are open to anyone but only members will be able to vote. The election of officers will be held at the January meeting. Other meetings may be called as need arises.
Absentee and proxy voting is not permitted.
Article V – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the 1st day of January and shall end on the 31st day of December.
Article VI – Procedure
Roberts Rule of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of meetings of the Association and the Board where applicable and where they are not inconsistent with the special rules of the Association.
Article VII – Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended from time to time and shall be reviewed by the Board annually.
Article VIII – Dissolution
In the event that the Association becomes inactive or dissolved, all monies in its possession shall be distributed to a tax-exempt community-oriented institution or organization approved by a majority of the members.
Ratified by membership vote February 5, 2024
Patsy Wedding, Secretary